New Curriculum development has been launched in 2004, called
Competence Based Curriculum. In Competence Based Curriculum, teaching
and learning English is aimed to achieve communicative competence.
Communicative competence is formulated to prepare English language
learners to communicate with the language in order to participate in the
society of English users. In communicative competence, teacher teaches
students to use English not only to communicate in spoken language but
also in written language.
There are five competences which must be developed in communicative
competence: discourse competence, actional competence, linguistic
competence, sociocultural competence, and strategic competence. The
major competence in communicative Competence is discourse competence.
Discourse competence means to develop students’ competence in spoken and
written Language in a discourse. The discourse is communicative event
which is influenced by topic, people who involve in the discourse and
the channel used to communicate. Discourse competence can be achieved
when the language learners master the supporting competence such as
linguistic competence, actional competence, socio-cultural competence
and strategic competence. Furthermore, all the competence must be taught
by teacher in teaching learning process through selected materials.
From the material point of view, teaching English today is based on
Text Based Approach or Genre Approach. Text Based Approach use cultural
kinds of text as the basis of material to teach in order to achieve
communicative competence where discourse competence the main competence
to be developed. Genre or kinds of text is view as the best way to
develop discourse competence. There are five kinds of texts which must
be taught by the teacher: descriptive, narrative, recount, report, and
procedure text. This paper discusses about teaching narrative through
story telling as the basic approach to develop discourse competence to
achieve communicative competence.
The Nature of Narrative and Story Telling
Narrative has been taught to all people in the world. Narrative
Could be in form, of story such as fairy stories, mystery, science
fiction, roan, apartment, 2004) horror, etc.( Education It happens when
we were in the childhood. Parents or even Grandparent prefer to tell
stories to children in various ways to make them happy to deliver kids
to bed. Telling story has become a lesson since we we are still very
Story telling has become a classic way in teaching attitude, belief
to young people all of the world. According to Pavlenko and Lantolf
(2000) in Deacon and Murphy (2001), stories, a form of narrative, help
us to make sense of our world. Even in academic research, they have
lately been given a higher status. Stories also have the power to reach
deep within us into areas that regular teaching may not visit, thereby
validating the language classroom for reasons that go beyond l language
learning. Our students tell us and show us that they have changed
beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors after hearing our stories. This deep
impact makes language learning an enriching experience that students
find intrinsically valuable.
The purpose of narrative is to entertain people. Furthermore,
Derewianka (1995) and Indonesian Education Department (2004) states that
narrative is not only to entertain people but also teach value from
problem solving in it. That is why narrative is very crucial to learn by
language learners because there are many living lesson in all story.
Stages in Teaching Narrative
Teaching English in Competence Based Curriculum is divided into two
cycles: oral cycle and written cycle. Both cycles deal with discourse
competence development to gain communicative competence. Each cycle has
four stages in implementing teaching learning process: building
knowledge of field, modeling of text, joint construction of text, and
independent construction of text.
The most important stage in teaching narrative text is building
knowledge of field. In this stage, teacher plays important role. Teacher
will provide students with everything related to the text that students
will listen to. This stage provides students with vocabulary, grammar,
knowledge of the story, and students’ experience. Also, in this stage
students will have some task or exercise to review their understanding
about the vocabulary, structure that they have learned. All the activity
is aimed to prepare students to comprehend the story they are going to
listen to. If there are many student fails in the exercise, it can be
predicted that they will fail to understand the story or narrative text.
That is why; this stage is the most crucial one in teaching learning
process based on Competence Based Curriculum. This stage determines
students’ competence to master linguistic competence. Everything about
lexico-grammatical features of narrative should be taught to the
students. And it is hoped that the students can master all the
linguistic features of narrative text, specifically the linguistic
features of the story that the students listen to. The successful of
teaching learning process in Competence Based Curriculum is most based
on mastery learning of the linguistic features in the building knowledge
field. It means that teacher should build and prepare students with the
knowledge of story that teacher will tell or by story telling. Most of
activities in this oral cycle is presented in spoken language. Spoken
language dominates the activities in the classroom. It does not mean
that there is no writing activity but it is suggested to use oral
communication by direct interactive in teaching learning process. Yet,
teacher plays centre role in providing students with linguistic element
during the class.
The next important stage is modeling of the text. Here, the real
story telling activity takes place. Teacher will tell story as a kind
of narrative texts to the students. Teacher should act like a story
teller. It will help learners to comprehend the story. Using gesture and
asking questions is required to attract listeners or students’
attention to focus to the story. Because the story is told in oral
cycle, teacher must tell the story in English orally. Yet, teacher can
ask students’ understanding through question answer and guide students
to understand the story. If the students find unfamiliar words in the
story, teacher can ask other students to help to translate the meaning
of the words in Indonesian, even teacher can translate the words in
In modeling of text, teacher guides students to understand the story
orally. By having direct interaction during telling the story, the
teacher tries hard to attract students’ focus on the story. Teacher’s
ability to be a story teller is very useful for students to understand
the text. As if the students are listening to an interesting story from
the teacher. If the teacher just reads the story, the students will get
bore. It is hard for them to listen to the teacher. Also in this stage,
teacher examines the students about the lexicogrammatical features or
linguistic feature of narrative text that the students learned in the
previous stage, building knowledge of field. It is very crucial thing.
An important activity in modeling of text is teacher can tell more
than one story if it is necessary. From the examples of the texts, the
learners will try to understand the Generic structure of narrative.
Teacher discusses with the students and guides them to find the generic
structure of narrative. The last activity in modeling of text is to
guide student to find the language features of narrative such as
dominated by verb in past form, use of material process, focus on
temporal sequence, use of circumstances of time and place, and focus on
specific participant. Another important thing of the last activity is to
guide students to find the generic structure of narrative: orientation,
evaluation, complication, resolution, and ended with reorientation. The
evaluation and reorientation are optional. Modeling of text and
building knowledge of text are the most crucial step in teaching
learning process, because it determine whether students can go on to
the next stages or not. If these two steps cannot be achieved by
students, it is suggested to begin from the beginning. If most students
can pass these previous steps, they can go on to Joint Construction of
The next stage in teaching learning process in developing discourse
communicative competence is joint construction of text. The students are
divided into some groups. The activity in this stage is dominated by
students in groups. The task in the groups is to report their
understanding about the story they have listened to the teacher to heir
friends in group. They try to gather information by sharing idea from
the story. Furthermore, in groups the students create their groups’
stories or narrative text by following the generic structure of
narrative and use the lexico-grammatical features of narrative. The
groups are the centre of the activity and they can ask teachers for
help. When the groups have their own story, they go to other groups and
tell the story while others effort to understand their friends’ story or
narrative. They can help each other in groups in order to make the
story perfect. All the activity is done orally.
The final stage in teaching narrative is independent construction of
text. This stage is intended to work individually. Each student must do
his/her own project. A student must create his/her own story. All
students can ask teacher to have a student-teacher conference. It means
that teacher will provide student with anything to help the students to
create their own text or story. When the students have finished the
project, teacher can ask them to tell the story like a story teller.
The assessment is taken during teaching and learning process. Every
time, every day, every week, and every month, teacher should have
teachers’ note of students’ achievement. The authentic assessment is
implemented during the process of learning. That is why competence is
mostly emphasized in Competence Based Curriculum. If a student has
fulfilled the oral communicative competence, he/she can go on to written
communicative competence.
All in all, developing students’ English communicative competence can
be done through storytelling. Most of histories in the world are told
in storytelling. By having new breakthrough in developing curriculum
changes, it is hoped that learning process ill be more enjoyable by the
students. The students will learn more about the stories written by
famous author through storytelling.