14 April, 2013

Diary KKN

KKN day 1 / 8 April 13

Upacara pelepasan peserta KKN oleh rector didepan Aula kampus dengan menerbangkan beberapa balon –yang sayang banget menurut saya… “mending balonnya buat saya saja pak, daripada diterbangkan sia2”. Kami berangkat pukul 10.30.

Perjalanan mobil satu jam dari Salatiga menuju Magelang. Kami kekantor kecamatan dulu untuk acara serah terima dari pihak kampus kepada pihak kecamatan sebelum menuju dusun tempat kami KKN.
Dusun tempat kami tinggal jauh dari jalan raya. Kami harus terlebih dulu melewati sawah2 dan kebun sebelum dapat menjangkaunya. Jalannya setapak dan berbatu2. Deg2an juga saat dijalan membayangkan bagaimana kondisi rumah kami tinggal, bagaimana bapak dan ibu yang punya rumah, apakah galak atau baik.
(Oiya, dari rumah Mas Farid ikut saya menuju tempat saya KKN.)

Sampai dirumah sekitar pukul 12 siang. kami beristirahat disamping koper2 dan tas2 yang bersebaran. Kecapean setelah perjalanan jauh. Dimeja sudah banyak toples2 berisi keripik singkong, krupuk jengkol (kata ibu yang punya rumah). Bapak dan ibu kami adalah pasangan suami istri berusia sekitar 45 tahun namun belum punya putera. Ibu baru mengandung dua bulan.

Adzan dzuhur berkumandang, didepan rumah kami tinggal ada sebuah masjid (lebih mirip mushola karena ukurannya sama dengan mushola2 didesa saya), kami jamaah dimasjid tersebut. Tidak banyak masyarakat yang jamaah dsana. Hanya sekitar sepuluh orang yang sudah sepuh.
Sedikit lebih fresh setelah berwudlu dan shalat.

Kembali kerumah sudah ada pak Kadus diruang tamu. Beliau mengucapkan selamat datang kepada kami. Sesaat setelah beliau pulang, bapak yang punya rumah kembali dari kerjanya. Kami rembug’an mengenai logistic. Kesepakatannya adalah kami peserta KKN akan memasak sendiri.
Selesai berdiskusi bapak tuan rumah mempersilahkan kami beristirahat dikamar. Kamar kami hanya berukuran 3x3 meter dan akan ditempati oleh 5 orang. Sudah pasti akan sempit sekali, Belum lagi barang2 bawaan kami yang bejibun.

Baru beristirahat sebentar, kami sudah kedatangan tamu lagi. Kali ini ibu lurah dan ibu camat yang sekaligus bertugas sebagai ketua dan sekertaris PKK setempat yang datang. Beliau berdua mengucapkan selamat datang kepada kami.

Sore hari tiba2 saya kebelet pipis. Diantar teman saya, kami mencari kamar mandi dirumah bagian belakang. “kok tidak ada” pikir kami. Kami kuluar rumah, jauh dibelakang rumah kami melihat ada sumur dengan sebuah ruang berdinding setinggi satu setengah meter tanpa pintu. Kami tidak percaya itu adalah kamar mandi kami, untuk meyakinkannya kami bertanya pada ibu tuan rumah. “iya, itu kamar mandinya.” Kata beliau. Tidaaak… bagaimana kami mandi atau buang air dengan kamar mandi sekaligus toilet yang terbuka seperti itu. Akhirnya jika akan mandi atau buang air, kami harus saling menjaga. Jika saya mandi, maka teman saya berjaga diluar. Begitu sebaliknya.

Menjelang magrib, teman saya (Salis) baru ingat ternyata dia lupa membawa sikat giginya. Saya mengantar dia mencari warung. Kata tetangga kami, warung terdekat berada diujung jalan sekitar 200 m dari rumah kami tinggal. Jalan menuju warung sudah gelap. Kanan kiri jalan adalah kebun bamboo. Saat saya mengarahkan pandangan kearah kanan jalan, saya melihat ada pohon kamboja disana. “wah, perasaanku ga enak nih”, batin saya. Dan benar saja, dibawah pohon2 kamboja itu terlihat ada nisan2 berjejeran disana. Ga mau takut sendirian, saya berbisik pelan pada teman saya, “Lis, sebelah kanan ada makam”. Kami berdua ketakutan kemudian lari supaya segera sampai diwarung. Sekembalinya menuju rumah, melewati makam, kami berlari lagi. (entah, ketakutan karena apa. Lucu.)

Sampai dirumah kami membagi takut kami pada teman2 perempuan. (biar takut rame2, masa kami sendiri yang takut. Hehe) dan benar saja, muka mereka pucat saat mendengar bahwa dibelakang rumah ternyata makam. Dan lebih pucat lagi saat membayangkan kamar mandi kami diluar, hanya beberapa meter saja jaraknya dengan makam.

Habis shalat isya, saya telp ibu saya saya. Dengar suara beliau jadi tambah kangen pengen pulang.
Pukul delapan para cowok mengeluh lapar. teman teman perempuan belanja telur dan mie instan kemudian memasaknya. Kami menyantap makan malam bersama. Walaupun dengan menu sederhana tapi enak kalau dinikamati bersama. Perasaan kangen rumah jadi sedikit terlupakan.
Pukul sepuluh kami sudah ditempat pembaringan masing2. Bersiap menuju alam mimpi kami. Saya tidur berbantal jaket dan berselimut tipis. Cuaca kali ini cukup dingin.

KKN day 2 / 9 April 13

Saya bangun saat mendengar teman2 saya ngobrol (entah tentang apa). Saya membuka mata saya dan mendapati mereka masih mengenakan mukena habis shalat subuh berjamaah dimasjid depan rumah. Saya sama sekali tidak mendengar suara adzan subuh dan teman2 tidak membangunkan saya, kasihan katanya. Tidur saya terlihat pulas.

Setelah mengumpulkan nyawa saya yang masih tersebar karena baru bangun, kemudian saya gosok gigi, mengambil air wudhu dan shalat. Didapur sudah ada ibu tuan rumah dan satu teman saya yang sedang meracik bahan yang akan dimasak untuk sarapan.

Pukul setengah tujuh, waktu ter”gasik” saya sarapan. Biasanya saya sarapan dirumah pukul sepuluh. Kali ini bangun tidur langsung sarapan. Menu kami kali ini adalah sayur buncis dan tempe goreng. (menu begini kalo drumah saya ga doyan. Saya memang susah makan)
Selesai sarapan kami pergi kepasar untuk belanja bahan2 makanan dan keperluan lainnya. Pasar tradisional Tegalrejo tidak jauh berbeda dengan pasar disalatiga. Disana Saya beli bantal dan jilbab instan, yang mudah dipakai. Soalnya disini jilbab harus nempel terus dikepala. Bu bendahara tuh yg nyuruh. Kekamar mandi aja harus make jilbab. >.< 

Ba’da dzuhur kami mengunjungi posko lima. Posko lima berada dipinggir jalan, rumahnya lumayan “oke”, keramik, atap ternit, kamar mandi ada dua (dan tertutup yang pasti), kamar cukup luas. Tuan rumah posko 5 mempunyai mini market keluarga. Jadi tuan rumah berada dirumah hanya untuk tidur. Dari pagi sampai malam mereka menghabiskan waktu mereka dimini market.

Teman saya yang berada diposko bilang kalau didaerahnya banyak warung makan. “disini semuanya komplit. Sebelah sana (nunjuk arah utara) ada ayam goreng, ayam bakar, toko buah, bakso, sebelah sananya lagi ada serba jamur”.  Mendengar kata jamur saya langsung girang, saya sangat suka jamur. Temanku menambahkan “ada bakso jamur, sate jamur, tongseng jamur, dan banyak lagi”. Mendengar menu2 serba jamur tersebut ludah saya jadi cair. Pengen banget. Belum makan siang pula. “ayo! Kita kesana. Anterin saya, Lii!” teriak saya.

Ditempat makan jejamuran tersebut, kami memesan bakso jamur. Cocok nih, hujan2 dingin makan yang panas2. Waaaah, enak banget deh pokoknya. Besok kalo ga doyan makan dirumah, mau kesana lagi. :D
Kami tidak bisa pulang karena hujan. Sebenarnya kami khawatir keadaan kamar kami. Gentingnya bocor, sedangkan dibawahnya ada koper2 kami. Takutnya air hujan masuk dan koper kami jadi basah semua. Apalagi netbuk saya juga dibawahnya.

Hujan reda, sebelum pulang kami mampir kemini market milik bapak dan ibu tuan rumah posko lima untuk membeli beberapa keperluan yang kelupaan kami beli. Kemudian kami pulang. rada serem juga lewat jalanan berbatu, kanan kiri sawah, berbelok2 setelah hujan.

Saya mendengar kabar dari teman2 bahwasanya ada beberapa masalah diposko lain. Kebanyakan karena tuan rumah mematok biaya yang cukup mahal untuk makan. Beruntung bapak ibu tuan rumah diposko kami baik hati dan ramah.

Sore hari ba’da ashar adik2 didesa kami datang lagi keposko kami. Sebenarnya bukan Cuma sore saja mereka datang, pulang sekolah, pulang tpa, mau kemasjid, mereka juga selalu mampir keposko kami. Kami senang membantu mereka belajar, mereka aktif dan rasa ingin tahunya tinggi, memperhatikan jika kami menjelaskan tentang sesuatu.

Malamnya ba’da maghrib kami sowan kerumah pak kades (beliau juga pengajar TPA anak2). Beliau menyarankan kami untuk sowan ke pak RT/RW dan kerumah tetua desa ini. Kemudian ba’da shalat isya beliau mengantar kami kerumah2 yang harus kami datangi. Kami mengunjungi 5 rumah dan disetiap rumah, kami selalu disuguhi teh panas. Jadi kebayang kan dalam waktu satu jam kami harus menghabiskan 5 gelas teh.  untung saya ga ngeteh, hehehe... kasihan teman2... :P

KKN day 3/ 10 April 2013
Tidak ada kegiatan apa2. Masak, makan, mandi, ngemil, ngobrol, tidur.
Zahro, teman sekelompok saya sedang mengandung. saat sedang enak2 tiduran bersama dia berkata “iih, aku pengen cilot.”. “ayok, kita bikin cilot sendiri dari pada bengong dikamar aja. Suntuk.” Celetuk saya. Usul saya yang asal2an ternyata disetujui teman2 saya. Kami ber empat bersama2 pergi kewarung untuk membeli tepung.

Ba’da ashar kami mulai bereksperimen membuat cilot. Diantara kami belum pernah ada yang membuatnya. Jadi kami asal2an saja, asal mateng, asal berasa asin dan gurih. Setelah setengah jam “ribut” didapur, jadilah cilot kami. Rasanya enak, mirip kaya yang dijual keliling. Cuma rada a lot karena kebanyakan tepung maizena.
Malamnya sehabis isya, seperti biasanya adek2 datang keposko kami untuk belajar bersama.

KKN day 4/ 11 April 2013

Kangen ibuuuu… kangen rumah... kangen kamarku, bantalku, kasurku….
Sehabis sarapan kami diskusi program kerja apa yang akan kami buat selama KKN. Kapan2 saya tulis programnya. Sekarang lagi cape banget. Ga mood. Pengen pulang.
Siang main kposko lain.
Sorenya ikut TPA
Pengeeeen Pulaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaang…

KKN day 5/ 12 April 2013

Jam 10 mas Farid datang kerumah jenguk saya. Habis dzuhur kami jalan2 ke kota magelang. Ke mall dan alun2 kota. Lumayan hiburan. Suntuk drumah terus. Kerjaannya Cuma tidur, masak, bengong.
Sekarang jam 6.47, hbs jamaah maghrib dmasjid. Mas farid masih dsini, ngobrol diruang tamu dengan teman2 cowok. Saya dikamar.
Habis isya ada rapat tingkat desa diposko 5. Males bangeeeeeeeeeeeeet.
Kangeeen bangeeet sama ibu… ga betah disini. Pengen pulaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaang…

KKN day 6/ 13 April 2013

Bangun pagi2, Masak, mencuci baju, cuci piring, mandi air dingin, shalat jamaah, berjilbab kapanpun dan kemanapun, tidur berbagi kasur, serawung dengan orang lain, mngkin sangat sepele dan biasa untuk mereka… tapi sangat tidak biasa untk saya. Itu yang membuat saya tidak krasan disini. Saya tidak biasa dengan kebiasaan mereka.

KKN day 7/ 14 April 2013

Hari Minggu... yuhuuuuuuu... home sweet home.
kangen banget sama Ibu...
Minggu sore saya dan mas Farid nonton konser Ungu di 411. teman2 diposko pasti pada pengen deeh... :P

KKN day 8/ 15 April

Harus kembali lagi kerumah KKN. sedih pisah sama Ibu lagi. waktu pamitan sama ibu rasanya pengen nangis, tapi takut nanti malah ibu khawatir jadi kutahan2.

aku kembali ke Magelang diantar sama Mas Farid, baru sampai Tengaran hujan turun dereees banget. nekat aja dengan satu jas hujan model batman. soalnya teman2 diposko juga sudah nunggu, ada rapat khusus yg akan dilaksanakan diluar posko KKN.

ga lihat jalan karena sepanjang perjalanan aku tertutup mantel batman. kami basah kuyup hujan2 sepanjang tengaran dan kopeng, ternyata di Magelang kering-ring, matahari terik. hadeeeh...
kami mampir kepasar tegalrejo dl untuk beli oleh2 sebelum ke posko. ga bawa oleh2 dr rumah soalnya ibu yg biasanya ngurusin aku, lagi ga enak badan, maag beliau kambuh. :(

habis dzuhur kami berangkat ke artos.... yeeee....
makan steak moen moen disana. foto2 heboh. ketemu Klip Sangra juga. hahaa....
jalan2, belanja2, seneng deeh... :D
sampai diposko malam. mas farid jg harus pulang. hmmm...

missing stories... :(

setelah beberapa minggu di tempat KKN baru mulai terbiasa dengan keadaan sekitar, sudah tidak emak-emak'en lagi. awal2nya memang berat, waktu menjalani memang berat, tapi setelah selesai dan menjadi kenangan, pengalaman KKN termasuk pengalaman indah yang berharga buatku. banyak mendapat pelajaran baru disana, yang pasti keluarga baru juga, keluarga SGB 06. aku belajar tentang hidup, bersosialisasi, persahabatan, kekeluargaan dari mereka. 

03 Januari, 2013

Iskandar Widjaja, Idola Baru.

Tugas mata kuliah Translation mempertemukanku dengannya.
idola baru, Iskandar Widjaja...

Bu Evi, dosen mata kuliah Translation memberi kami tugas untuk menginterpretasikan sebuah video berita. beruntung, aku mendapat tema yang "aku" banget, tentang Music. 
setelah beberapa lama browsing, akhirnya aku dapat video dari Indonesia Now talkshow on Metro TV.
click here to watch the video

bintang tamu dalam talk show tersebut adalah Iskandar Widjaja, seorang pemain musik klasik, dengan instrument biola. dalam cuplikan berita diperlihatkan pula musik karyanya. dari situ aku baru sadar ternyata musik klasik itu "asyik". seperti katanya saat ditanya mengapa memilih musik klasik, dia bilang "musical classic was in the house, you know". 

Iskandar Widjaja,... dari caranya menjawab pertanyaan2 yang diajukan hosts, sepertinya dia sosok yang "asyik", ditambah wajahnya yang ganteng, murah senyum dan sering melontarkan joke2.

Tugas translation sudah selesai kukerjakan...
tapi hatiku masih nyangkut sama Iskandar Widjaja... kuburu musik2nya, video concertnya dan foto2nya. :)

Tugas translation membawaku padanya... :)

oiya, nih kukasih pictnya... 

saat ia beraksi

yang ingat iklan JJ Royal Coffee pasti tahu dia... :)
dia pernah jadi bintang iklan produk kopi tersebut.

ini cuplikan profil Iskandar Widjaja yang saya co-pas dr Kompas.. :) — Anak muda itu memesona seluruh penonton yang memenuhi gedung pertunjukan Titan Theater di kawasan Bintaro pada Kamis (28/10/2010). Dia bukan saja enak dipandang secara ragawi, tetapi permainan biolanya adalah sebuah percakapan yang puitis. Lihatlah, bagaimana dia tersenyum lembut ketika dawai biolanya menyusuri keindahan komposisi karya Nicola Paganini, Cantabile for Violin & Piano. Namun di waktu yang lain, dia pun bisa garang mencabik-cabik cepat dawai biolanya dengan busur (Tremolando)  dan dengan jari-jarinya (pizzicato).
Berbeda dengan kebanyakan pebiola yang "hanya" mencari keindahan bunyi, Iskandar justru cenderung mengikuti kata hatinya.
Tampaknya anak muda itu memang telah beranjak meninggalkan teknik. Dia sudah tidak ada persoalan lagi dengan kualitas nada, ritme, dinamik, artikulasi, dan timbre. Bunyi yang dihasilkan oleh gesekan biolanya sungguh prima, bersih, dan juga berdaya menyihir. Itulah yang dia pertontonkan selama tiga hari (28, 29, 30 Oktober 2010) di Jakarta.
Dialah Iskandar Widjaja, pemuda usia 24 tahun, berdarah Indonesia yang lahir dan besar di Jerman. Lahir pada 1986 dan mulai memainkan biola sejak berusia 4 tahun. Ia belajar dengan Ilan Gronich di UDK Berlin dari tahun 2005 hingga 2010. Saat ini ia menerima dukungan dari Dora Schwarzberg dan bekerja di masterclasses bersama Henning Kraggerud, Shlomo Mintz, Kristen Tetzlaff, dan Donald Weilerstein.
Bakatnya yang besar dan terus terasah mengantarkan Iskandar memperoleh hadiah pertama di Jugend Musiziert, Hindemith, Postacchini dan Goldener Julius Violin Kompetisi.

Tak mengherankan jika kehebatannya itu segera dilirik oleh beberapa kelompok orkestra yang mengajaknya manggung bareng. Dia tercatat pernah tampil sebagai solist di beberapa kelompok orkestra, Dubrovnik Symphony Orchestra, Jakarta Symphony, Klassische Philharmonie Bonn, das Sinfonieorchester Berlin, Filmorchester Babelsberg dan Berlin Chamber solois di Norwegia, Jerman, Kroatia, Swiss, Indonesia, Spanyol, Italia, Belgia dan Amerika Serikat dan festival seperti "Bad Kissinger Musiksommer", St.Prex dan Valdres Norwegia.

Berbekal permainan biolanya itulah Iskandar pun pernah merasai bermain di tempat-tempat terpandang seperti di Berlin Philharmonic, Konzerthaus Berlin, Gedung Kesenian Jakarta, Fort Reverin, Tel Aviv Opera.

Penampilannya juga telah menerima pujian yang tinggi dari media seperti "Strad", "Dubrovacki Vesnje", dan "der Tagesspiegel".

Fenomena "Iskandar" terus menggelinding. Sebuah CD dengan rekaman langsung dari Berlin Philharmonie pun dirilis oleh Sony Music pada bulan Juni 2010 dengan karya-karya Poulenc dan Handel Halvorsen. Potret tentang Iskandar Widjaja pun pernah ditampilkan di RBB, TV Berlin dan Brainworker Film.

Menerima sambutan yang hangat serta santun dari para penonton yang memadati Titan Theater, Iskandar pun teringat pengalaman ketika pertama kali bermain di hadapan publik Jakarta lima tahun lalu. Iskandar mengemukakan, betapa penonton (terutama kaum hawa) waktu itu hanya melihat ketampanan dirinya dan mengabaikan etiket galibnya pada sebuah pertunjukan musik klasik. Penonton bertepuk tangan dan berteriak tiap kali Iskandar mempertontonkan kepiawiannya bermain biola, padahal satu komposisi belum dia rampungkan.

Pun demikian saat dirinya bermain di Goethe Haus, Jakarta. Penonton, lagi-lagi para remaja putri, lebih mengagumi ketampanan Iskandar ketimbang permainan biolanya. Itulah sebabnya, Iskandar pun dibanjiri surat cinta dan bunga kertas.

Iskandar memang sosok unik. Dia muncul justru menjadi ikon musik klasik dan tidak meminjam idiom pop seperti yang dilakukan oleh Vanessa Mae. Maklumlah, sebab dia melalui hari-harinya bersama biola 1793 F. Geissenhof dari Wina dan karya-karya dari Mozart, Vivaldi, Beethoven dan Brahms.

Kesungguhan dan totalitasnya dalam bermain biola itulah yang kemudian melahirkan ekspresi indah. Sehingga tampak betul, Iskandar dan biolanya di panggung seperti sedang menceritakan lagu yang dibawakannya. Tampaknya Iskandar yakin betul bahwa musiknya adalah untuk penonton, bukan untuk dirinya sendiri.

Berbeda dengan kebanyakan violis yang "hanya" mencari keindahan bunyi, Iskandar justru cenderung mengikuti kata hatinya. "Saya mencari kemurnian emosi. Saya pikir hidup tak selalu indah dan bahagia," ungkap Iskandar saat jumpa pers di Titan Theater.

Anak muda ini tampaknya memang percaya, betapa semua yang berasal dari hati pasti akan sampai pula ke hati penonton. Dan Iskandar telah membuktikannya dengan "hadiah" guruh tepuk tangan para penonton yang bukan saja mengagumi permaiananya, melainkan juga sungguh-sungguh menikmati jiwa komposisi yang dia dendangkan bersama biolanya. Bravo!

30 Desember, 2012

The Novel Review: TOTTO-CHAN - The Little Girl at the Window

When I was in junior high school, my teacher lent me this Novel. She said it's very interesting novel. After I red this novel, I just knew why it was “interesting”. The school which is in the story was similar to my school, Qaryah Thayyibah. And the Head Master, Mr. Kobayashi was like my head Master. Both of them gave freedom to their students to express the ideas, to learn what they wanna learn.

A. About the Novel, the Author, and the translator 

About The Novel
This novel tells about an ideal school in Tokyo during World War II that combined learning with fun, freedom, and love. This unusual school had old railroad cars for classrooms, and it was run by an extraordinary man--its founder and headmaster, Sosaku Kobayashi --who was a firm believer in freedom of expression and activity. In real life, the Totto-chan of the book has become one of Japan's most popular
television personalities - Tetsuko Kuroyanagi. She attributes her success in life to this wonderful school and its headmaster. The charm of this account has won the hearts of millions of people of all ages and made this book a runaway best seller in Japan, with sales hitting the 4.5 million mark in its first year.

Dorothy Britton poet, writer, and composer--was born in Japan and educated in the U.S. and England. A pupil of Darius Milhaud, she is well known for her popular Capitol Records album Japanese Sketches in which Tetsuko Kuroyanagi's father is violin soloist. She is the author of the English libretto of the Japanese opera Yuzuru and of A Haiku Journey, a distinguished translation of the poet Basho's Narrow Road to a Far Province.

Tokyo-born Tetsuko Kuroyanagi, voted Japan's most popular TV personality for five years running, studied opera singing at Tokyo College of Music but became an actress, soon winning a prestigious award for her radio and TV work. She spent 1972 in New York, studying acting and writing From New York with Love. Since 1975 she has hosted “Tetsuko's Room,” Japan's first daily TV talk show, recently awarded the highest TV prize. This and her other regular TV shows all have top viewer ratings. Devoted to welfare, she twice brought America's National Theater of the Deaf to Japan, acting with them in sign language. The Totto-chan Foundation, financed by her book royalties, professionally trains deaf actors--with whom she often appears. Author of Panda and I, she is also a conservationist with a long-time interest in the Giant Panda, and is a director of the World Wildlife Fund Japan.

B. Synopsis

Totto Chan and Mama were on the way to Totto chan’s new School. Totto Chan was an active little girl who had many curiosities’ on her head. When she saw ticket collectors in the railroad station, she wanted to be like them one day. Totto-chan walked along holding Mother's hand, she remembered that until the day before she had been quite sure she wanted to be a spy. But she thought what fun it would be to be in charge of a box full of tickets. Totto Chan kept chattering along the way, while her mother worried what if they wouldn't have Tottochan at the new school. Totto-chan didn't know Mother was worried, so when their eyes met, she said gaily, “I've changed my mind. I think I'll join one of those little bands of street musicians who go about advertising new stores!”.

The Little Girl at the Window

The reason Mother was worried was because although Totto-chan had only just started school, she had already been expelled. Fancy being expelled from the first grade!
It had happened only a week ago. Mother had been sent for by Totto-chan's homeroom teacher. The teacher asked Mother to take her to another school. “Your daughter disrupts my whole class”, said the teacher. She added that Totto wouldn’t stop open and close the desk although she didn’t wanna take something in it. Mother remembered that Totto will not stop doing something which was new and interesting to her. “her problem was not only that”, added the teacher. After being bored to the desk, totto stood at the window. When she saw street musicians, she called them and asked them to play music. And it was disturbing the teaching-learning process. The next day, Totto still stood at the window, she talked loud. When teacher check who was Totto talking with, she didn’t see anything but swallow. Totto wanted to sit again when the teacher gave her crayon. But  Totto drew on her desk. Listened to Totto’s act at school, Mother agreed to take Totto to another school.

The new school

When she saw the gate of the new school, Totto-chan stopped. The gate of the school
she used to go to had fine concrete pillars with the name of the school in large characters. The gate of this new school simply consisted of two rather short posts that still had twigs and leaves on them. When she got closer, she had to put her head to one side to read the name of the school because the wind had blown the sign askew. "To-mo-e Ga-ku-en.". "Mother, is that really a train! There, in the school grounds!", said Totto Chan.
The school had made use of six abandoned railroad cars. To Tottochan it seemed something you might dream about. A school in a train!

 “I Like This School!”

Totto chan was very happy looking the train-school. She wanted to run in soon, but her mother didn’t allow because totto chan had not been accepted yet. “I think I like this school”, said Totto chan. Mother felt like telling her that it wasn't a matter of whether she liked the school but whether the headmaster liked her.  Mother just said “if you want to get on this train, you have to be nice and polite to the headmaster”.
The headmaster office was not in the railroad car, but it was in the small building on the right-hand side. Before meet the headmaster, Totto chan whispered to her mother "The man we're going to see must be a stationmaster because he owned these trains!". There was no time to explain, mother simply said “anyway, what about Daddy? He plays the violin and owns several violins, but that doesn't make our house a violin shop, does it?"

The headmaster

When Mother and Totto-chan went in, the man in the office got up from his chair. With a hasty bow, Totto-chan asked him spiritedly "What are you, a schoolmaster or a stationmaster?". Mother was embarrassed, but before she had time to explain, he laughed and replied, "I'm the head-master of this school."

The headmaster offered her a chair and turned to Mother and asked her to go home because he wanted to talk to Totto-chan.
The headmaster got closer to tottochan and asked her to tell everything about her. 

Totto chan tell him everything, about her dog, Rocky, about how fast her train, about her father who could swim well, about her scar dress because she always passing the iron fence. There’s no one listen to Totto chan enthusiastically like headmaster did.

Headmaster took totto chan where the children had lunch. They didn’t lunch in the train but in the Assembly Hall. There are fifty children in that school. When everyone was seated, the headmaster asked the pupils if they had all brought something from the ocean and something from the hills. Totto chan wondered what kind of menu that was. She never thought that lunchtime could be this fun.

  Totto chan starts school
After the headmaster said “now you are a pupil of this school”, Totto chan cant wait for the next day. She had never looked forward to a day so much. Mother usually had trouble getting Totto-chan out of bed in the morning, but that day she was up before anyone else, all dressed and waiting with her schoolbag snapped to her back.
Mother had a lot to do. She busily made up a box lunch containing "something from the ocean and something from the hills" while she gave Totto-chan her breakfast. Mother also put Totto-chan's train pass in a plastic case and hung it around Tottochan's neck on a cord so she wouldn't lose it. Rocky, her dog took totto chan into the train station.

The classroom in the train
No one had arrived yet when Totto-chan got to the door of the railroad car the headmaster had told her would be her classroom. She was very happy in that school, she stood in that car and sang loudly. Just at that moment, her classmates came one by one. Eventually there were nine pupils in the car. They comprised the first grade at Tomoe Gakuen.
They would all be traveling together on the same train.

 Lesson at Tomoe
Going to school in a railroad car seemed unusual enough, but the seating arrangements turned out to be unusual, too. They were allowed to sit everywhere they liked at anytime. The most unusual thing of all about this school, however, was the lessons themselves. Schools normally schedule one subject, for example, Japanese, the first period, when you just do Japanese; then, say, arithmetic the second period, when you just do arithmetic. But here it was quite different. At the beginning of the first period, the teacher made a list of all the problems and questions in the subjects to be studied that day. Then she would say, "Now, start with any of these you like."
This method of teaching enabled the teachers to observe--as the children progressed to higher grades --what they were interested in as well as their way of thinking and their character. It was an ideal way for teachers to really get to know their pupils. So study was mostly independent, with pupils free to go and consult the teacher whenever necessary. The teacher would come to them, too, if they wanted, and explain any problem until it was thoroughly understood. On study process, Totto chan stared at unusual walked boy. She asked him why did he walk like that and he gently said that he had a polio. He was yasuaki. From that on they became friends.

Sea food and land food
Now it was time for "something from the ocean and something from the hills," the lunch hour Totto-chan had looked forward to so eagerly. The headmaster had adopted the phrase to describe a balanced meal--the kind of food he expected you to bring for lunch in addition to your rice. headmaster asked parents to include in their children's lunchboxes "something from the ocean and something from the hills." "Something from the ocean" meant sea food-- things such as fish and tsukuda-ni (tiny crustaceans and the like boiled in soy sauce and sweet sake), while "something from the hills" meant food from the land--like vegetables, beef, pork, and chicken.
            Totto-chan's lunch contained bright yellow scrambled eggs, green peas, brown denbu, and pink naked cod roe. It was as colorful as a newer garden. "How very pretty," said the headmaster. Totto-chan was thrilled. "Mother's a very good cook," she said.

  “Chew It Well!”
Normally one starts a meal by saying, "Iradokimasu" (I gratefully partake), but another thing that was different at Tomoe Gakuen was that first of all everybody sang a song. After they did it, they all said “itadakimasu” and settled down to "something from the ocean and something from the hills." For a while the Assembly Hall was quiet.

 School walks
After had lunch, teacher took children to walked before returning to the classroom. Tottochan often walked with her dad and Rocky, but she just knew there’s a school walk. They went to Kohonbutsu temple. On the way to the temple teacher asked children why flowers bloom and explain them that butterflies helped flowers bloom. They discussed everything they saw along the way. When they couldn’t find the answer, teacher helped them. Children didn’t realize that they were learning something from the school walk.

 The school song  
Each day in Tomoe Gakuen was filled with surprises for Totto chan. One day, on her way to school in the train, Totto-chan suddenly began wondering whether Tomoe had a school song. She couldn’t wait to come to school soon and ask the headmaster to make a school song. The headmaster promised tomorrow they will have a school song.
Next morning, there was a notice in each classroom requiring everyone to assemble
in the school grounds. Headmaster announced that he had a school song and asked children to sing it together. The song was funny for the children, it was only “Tomoe, tomoe, tomoe, tomoe!”. Totto chan expected some fancy words to the lyric. Children didn’t like the song, but headmaster wasn’t angry. He was sorry couldn’t make the better one. And Tomoe Gakuen never had a school song.

“Put It All Back!"
Totto-chan had never labored so hard in her life. What a day that was when she dropped her favorite purse down the toilet! It had no money in it, but Totto-chan loved the purse so much. Totto-chan had a curious habit. Ever since she was small, whenever she went to the toilet, she made it a point to peer down the hole after she had finished. She must have Loosened her hold on the purse at that moment, for it slipped out of her hand and dropped down the hole with a splash.

But Totto-chan refused to shed tears or give up the purse as lost. She went to the janitor's shed and got a large, long-handled wooden ladle used for watering the garden. After finding its cover, she began her task. She started ladling out the contents of the cesspool.

There was quite a pile on the ground when the headmaster happened to pass by. He asked Totto chan what she did there. He didn’t angry Totto chan had made it messed, he just asked her to put it all back. Adults might be angry looking at totto chan’s act, but didn’t the headmaster.

Totto chan couldn’t find her purse and finally she gave up but she kept her promise to put it all back to the tank.

Totto chan’s name
Totto-chan's real name was Tetsuko. Before she was born all Mother's and Daddy's friends and relatives said they were sure the baby would be a boy. It was their first child, and they believed it. So they decided to name the baby Toru. When the baby turned out to be a girl, they were a bit disappointed, but they both liked the Chinese character for toru (which means to penetrate, to carry far, to be clear and resonant, as a voice) so they made it into a girl's name by using its Chinese-derived pronunciation tetsu and adding the suffix ko often used for girls' names. So everybody called her Tetsuko-chan (chan is the familiar form of the san used after a person's name). But it didn't sound quite like Tetsuko-chan to her. Whenever anyone asked her what her name was, she would answer, "Totto-chan." She even thought that chan was part of her name, too.
Daddy sometimes called her Totsky, as if she were a boy. He'd say, "Totsky! Come and help me take these bugs off the roses!" But except for Daddy and Rocky everybody else called her Totto-chan, and although she wrote her name as Tetsuko in her notebooks at school, she still went on thinking of herself as Totto-chan.

Radio comedians
Totto chan was very upset because her mother didn’t allow her listening comedians on the radio. That was because when Totto chan’s dad brought his friend home, Totto chan said impolitely to him, imitating the comedians on the radio.
After that Totto-chan had to listen in secret when Mother and Daddy were out. When
the comedians were good, she would laugh uproariously

Railroad Car Arrives
"There's a new railroad car coming tonight," said Miyo-chan during the lunchtime break. Miyo-chan was the headmaster's third daughter and was in Totto-chan's class. All children were curious how it would be carried and what route it would take to get to school. After discussing the possibilities, they finally decided not to go home that afternoon to wait and see the car arrived.

Head master told them that cars arrived very late tonight. He asked them to go home first and asked permission to their parents. Then they can come back if they like with their pajamas and a blanket after they've had their dinner. Children were more excited.

Mother got out Totto-chan's pajamas and a blanket, and after dinner she took her to
the school. A couple of other mothers, too, had come with their children. They looked as if they would like to stay, but after entrusting their children to the head-master's care, they went home. Headmaster asked children to sleep first, he promised will wake the them up when it arrived.

Totto chan woke up hearing her friends yelled “it’s here! It’s here”. It had come on a large trailer pulled by a tractor from the Oimachi Line depot. Tottochan and the others learned something they didn't know before--that there was something called a tractor that could pull a trailer, which was much bigger than a cart. They were impressed. They wouldn’t forgot that moment.

The swimming pool
That was a red-letter day for Totto-chan. It was the first time she had ever swum in a pool. And without a stitch on! That was a hot day, the head master took children to the swimming pool to swum together without a swimsuit. The headmaster asked them to take off their swimsuit was to teach them that diversity wasn’t the problem, children body was beautiful.  Among the pupils at Tomoe were some who had had polio, like Yasuaki-chan, or were very small, or otherwise handicapped and he felt if they bared their bodies and played together it
would rid them of feelings of shame and help to prevent them developing an inferiority complex.

The report card
Looking neither right nor left, her bag flapping against her back, Totto-chan ran all the way home from the station. Anyone seeing her would have thought something terrible had happened. She had started running as soon as she was out of the school gate.

Once home she showed her report card proudly to Rocky. There were A's and B's and other characters. Naturally, Totto-chan didn't know yet whether A was better than B or whether B was better than A. But Totto-chan wanted to show her very first report card to Rocky before anyone else, and she was sure Rocky would be delighted.

Summer Vacation Begins
Headmaster sent a note to the parents, informed them that children were going to camping. Totto chan wondering what camping meant. Her mother didn’t know it for sure too, because the headmaster always had his own way.

The next day, when children were in the Assembly Hall, the headmaster showed them to set up tents. They had camping in the hall to avoid the rain. It was camping without any moon or stars, but the children enjoyed it thoroughly. To them that little Assembly Hall seemed like a real camping ground, and memory wrapped that night in moonbeams and starlight forever

The great adventure
Two days after they camped in the Assembly Hall, the day of Totto-chan's great adventure finally came to pass. It was the day of her appointment with Yasuaki-chan. And it was a secret that neither Mother nor Daddy nor Yasuaki-chan's parents knew. She had invited Yasuaki-chan to her tree. The students at Tomoe each had a tree in the school grounds they considered their own climbing tree.
The children considered "their" trees their own private property, so if you wanted to
climb someone else's tree you had to ask their permission very politely, saying,
"Excuse me, may I come in!"
Because Yasuaki-chan had had polio he had never climbed a tree, and couldn't claim one as his own. That's why Totto-chan decided to invite him to her tree. she helped Yasuaki chan hardly climb her tree and he tried hard too to do it.
            Yasuaki-chan struggled with all his might, and finally reached the top. They were satisfied. On the top of the tree they had conversations. for Yasuaki-chan
it was the first and last time he ever climbed a tree.

The bravery test
When children were bored playing riddle, the headmaster announced that they will have a bravery test at Kohonbutsu temple. About seven boys vied for the privilege. When the children assembled at the school on the appointed evening, the boys who were going to be ghosts brought costumes they had made themselves and went off to hide in the temple grounds. The remaining thirty or so children divided themselves into small groups of about five and set off for Kuhonbutsu at staggered intervals. The headmaster explained that although this was a test to see how brave they were, it would be perfectly all right if anybody wanted to come back without finishing the course.
            Totto-chan made up her mind not to go all the way to the graveyard. That's where the ghosts were bound to be waiting, and anyway she felt she now knew all about bravery tests and could go back. The others in her group made the same decision at the same time.
Just then, a boy with a white cloth over his head came through the gate crying, accompanied by a teacher. He was one of the ghosts and had been crouching in the graveyard the whole time, but nobody had come and he got more and more scared and finally went outside and was found crying in the road by the patrolling teacher
who brought him back.

 The Rehearsal Hall

Daddy took Totto chan to his Rehearsal Hall. Daddy played violin with Mr. Rosenstock, He was from Germany. Daddy admired him so much. He was a very famous conductor in Europe.  He moved to Japan because a man called Hitler was starting to do terrible things there. Totto chan liked seeing him speaking Japanese. She thought his dialect was funny. Totto chan was happy in the rehearsal hall, It was rather Western in style, and a bit

 A Trip to a Hot Spring

Tomoe Gakuen students had a trip to a hot spring. They had to get on Toyoko train at Jiyugaoka and ship before arrived there. The children were amazingly well behaved. Nobody ran up and down the cars, and the only talking was done quietly among those sitting next to each other. The Tomoe pupils had never once been told they should get in line and walk properly and keep quiet on the train and not drop litter on the floor when they ate their food.
            Toi Spa was in a quiet, beautiful village on the sea surrounded by wooded hills. After a short rest the teachers took the children down to the sea. It wasn't like the swimming pool at school so they wore their swimsuits. Children had so much fun there. That was an unforgettable moment in Tomoe.


Before starting Tomoe Gakuen, the headmaster, Sosaku Kobayashi, went to Europe to see how children were being educated abroad. He visited a great many elementary schools and talked to educators. In Paris, he met Dalcroze, a fine composer as well as an educator. Dalcroze had spent a long rime wondering how children could be taught to hear and feel music in their minds lather than just with their ears; how to make them feel music as a thing of movement rather than a dull, lifeless subject; how to awaken a child's sensitivity. Eventually, after watching the way children jumped and skipped and romped about, he hit on the idea of creating rhythmic exercises, which he called eurythmics. Kobayashi attended the Dalcroze school in Paris for over a year and learned this system thoroughly. Sosaku Kobayashi was the first to apply it to elementary education in Japan and Children could practicing it well.

The Only Thing I Want!”

It was the first time Totto-chan had ever been to a temple fair. Totto-chan poked her head inside each of the little stalls. As she walked along, her eyes darting this way and that,Totto-chan suddenly stopped. she saw a box full of yellow baby chicks all cheeping away. She begged her mom to buy it for her but her mom didn’t allow her to have it because these baby chicks were going to die very soon. Totto-chan had set her heart on having a baby chick, and wouldn't listen. "We don't want you to have one because it will only make you cry in the end.", said mom. Totto-chan burst out crying and started walking home with tears streaming down her
Cheeks. Finally Mother and Daddy gave in. It was like sunshine after rain. Totto-chan was all smiles now as she walked home carrying a small box containing two baby chicks.
            on the fourth day one of them stopped moving and on the fifth day the other did, too. She stroked them and called to them, but they didn't give a single "cheep.". She had never wanted anything so much in her life and now it was gone so soon. It was her first experience of loss and separation

Their Worst Clothes

The headmaster was always asking parents to send their children to school at Tomoe in their worst clothes. He wanted them to wear their worst clothes so that it wouldn't matter if they got muddy and torn. He thought it a shame for children to worry about being scolded if their clothes got dirty or to hesitate joining in some game because their clothes might get torn. So totto chan did. She always came home with her cloth and its torn on it but Totto chan mother understood it.


There was a new student in Totto chan’s class. He was Takahasi, although he was a boy, was much smaller still, with short arms and legs. His hands, in which he held his hat, were small, too. But he had broad shoulders.

Totto chan and other childrens took him to see the classroom in the train. He told them that he was from Osaka. Osaka was a dream city Totto chan had never seen. From that on, they became friends.

  "Look before You Leap!"

On the way home from school, just as she had almost reached home, Totto-chan discovered something enticing by the side of the road. It was a huge pile of sand. But it wasn't sand after all! Inside, it was a heap of prepared gray wall plaster. She sank into it with a "blop" and found herself covered in the gummy stuff right up to her chest, like a statue, complete with schoolbag and shoe bag.
            As evening fell and it began to get dark, Mother came looking for her and was astonished to find Totto-chan's head sticking out of the pile. She found a pole and had Totto-chan hold one end of it while she pulled her out. She had first tried to pull her out by hand, but Mother's foot started to get stuck in the plaster.
Totto-chan was covered with gray plaster just like a wall. from that moment Totto chan promised will never jump anywhere.

 “And Then... Uh…”

Lunchtime at Tomoe had always been fun, but lately a new interest had been added. The headmaster wanted to teach children how to talk, so he asked one of them to give a tittle talk when they had their lunch time. Japanese children are usually taught at home not to talk at mealtimes. But as a result of his experience abroad, the headmaster used to encourage his pupils to take plenty of time over their meals and enjoy conversation.
One day, a boy who couldn’t speak well didn’t have any idea about what to talk. He told his daily activities with fillers “and then… uh…” while he thought something to continue his speech. 

**To be continued 

03 Desember, 2012


Bento yang sering kita dengar biasanya mengacu pada restaurant jepang siap saji hoka-hoka bento, ya ga?

sebenarnya bento adalah bekal makanan siang yang terdiri dari: nasi, lauk-pauk, sayur/salad, dan buah-buahan yang disajikan dalam wadah makanan.
Perempuan Jepang biasanya menghias bento sedemikian cantiknya untuk orang yang dikasihi (pacar/suami/anak) supaya mereka menjadi berselera untuk memakannya. 
Bento bisa dihias dengan mengikuti karakter anime, manga, ataupun karakter video game, biasanya disebut gaya kyaraben. Bisa juga dihias dengan gaya oekakiben mengikuti objek seperti bangunan, pemandangan, orang, dan lainnya.

ini contoh bento Sanji One Piece yang sayang untuk dimakan. hihiii...

Melihat beberapa bento yang cantik2 digoogle, saya jadi penasaran ingin mencoba membuatnya...
saya melihat bahan-bahan makanan yang ada didapur ibu, disana saya hanya menemukan terong, telur, sosis dan tepung bumbu dan bumbu instan. :)

dengan pengetahuan dan bakat memasak yang standar, saya mulai memasaknya. pertama saya memotong terong, melumurinya dengan tepung bumbu instan lalu menggorengnya, dan jadilah terong crispy. kedua saya mendadar telur dengan Mas*ko, lalu menggoreng sosis.

berikutnya nih pekerjaan yang paling susah, yaitu menghias masakan yang sudah ada menjadi cantik dan menarik.
saya mengepal nasi menjadi bentuk wajah lalu menggambar mata,alis dan bibir dengan saus sambal. kemudian saya menyusun telur, terong crispy dan sosis sekenanya. dan yang terakhir saya menambahkan potongan buah mangga dispace sebelahnya.

begini hasilnya...

tidak se"keren" bento Sanji One Piece diatas ya??
tapi berhubung karya sendiri, ya bangga aja sih... hehee

waktu saya membuatnya, bapak-ibu saya sedang tidak ada dirumah dan saya juga tidak punya pacar. nah, berhubung tidak ada seseorang istimewa yang bisa berikan, jadi bento tersebut saya makan sendiri deh.

supaya lebih berasa jepangnya, makannya juga harus pake sumpit dong.. 

(wajah saya kucel ya? iya, waktu itu saya sedang dalam masa pemulihan pasca sakit. hehe. ga papa kucel, yang penting eksis. ya ga?)

itadakimasu, mina san...

coba deh bikin bento untuk orang yang kamu kasihi,pasti rasanya menyenangkan..